brembana sprint: 5 axes bridge saw
Machinery - plant - equipment
Numerically Controlled 5 interpolated-axis bridge saw equipped with tilting head and fixed table to carry out any type of machining, cutting (straight or shaped, vertical or inclined), 3D profiling and milling operations, on slabs and stone blocks. This machine can work one shot or step by step to shape marble, granite, composite stone and ceramic pieces. The 4.250 mm stroke of the bridge guarantees easy machining of large sized slabs or stone blocks.
Brembana sprint is also available with the following configurations:
- cutting line equipped with a belt working table (BT)
- cutting line equipped with a motorized roller working table (RS)
- pendular machining
- with an automatic unloading system of the pieces
- unrivalled mechanics
- motion accuracy
- limitless technology with a powerful electrospindle ISO 50
- +33% productivity without any manual movement thanks to the vacuum manipulator
Blocks of natural stoneNatural stoneAgglomerates based on resin and marble - Engineered stoneAgglomerates based on resin and quartz - Engineered stone
Architecture and design using natural stone
Interior finishesRestorationFacadesExterior, gardens and street furnitureDesign using marbleFurnishing elements
Architecture and design agglomerates
Interior finishesFacadesDesign using agglomerates
Machinery - plant - equipment