Stone, Art, Machines | DIAPASON by Nicolas Bertoux

DIAPASON is the name of the work conceived by artist Nicolas Bertoux and performed by CMS using a Brembana Idroline S waterjet machine. Thanks to the invaluable assistance of its customer World Granite in the preparation and assembly stages, this work of art represents the rebirth of the stone that, once extracted from the quarry, returns reassembled as a mountain.
The Italian Stone Theatre is the Marmomac pavilion dedicated to Italian stone excellence, where the theme of the 2019 edition was "Naturality", that is, the naturalness of stone in its purest aspect. Man and technology deal with stone and nature, in a relationship of extreme relevance.
The exhibition Percorsi d'Arte, curated by Raffaello Galiotto and now in its second edition, looked into the topic, use of machines in the artistic working of stone. In recent years, with the spread of numerical technologies, both industry and artisans in the stone sector have supplied themselves with equipment increasingly high in performance. Five international artists who have been experimenting with numerical technologies in the stone working field for a long time have now created five works of art on the theme of Naturality, in collaboration with leading Italian manufacturers of machinery, software, and tools.
Year of realization
Project type
Outdoor furnitureDesign items
Material used
Natural stone