Machinery - plant - equipment

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Uncompromised power with 900 mm disc and Z 800 mm
Powerful, versatile, fast easy to program is our five-axis bridge saw.
The head titling works with recirculating ball bearing linear guides and hardened and rectified with brushless motors on each axis the bridge saw may be provided on a hot-dipped galvanized thick edged
steel structure or may be placed on traditional reinforced concrete walls. Reliable and powerful motor guarantees fast and extremely precise cuts.
Perfect to cut any kind of natural or synthetic material: marble, ceramic, dekton, quartz, granite, laminam, Cosentino
Video K900 :
https://vimeo.com/127139632 plunge cut
https://vimeo.com/127130340 profile with shoulder of the blade
https://vimeo.com/127127273 milling
https://vimeo.com/127127271 contouring
Architecture and design using natural stone
Interior finishesRestorationFacadesExterior, gardens and street furnitureDesign using marbleFurnishing elementsHoly arts
Architecture and design agglomerates
Interior finishesFacadesDesign using agglomeratesAccessories
Machinery - plant - equipment
MachineryPlant and systemsEquipment